Today's Daily Word - Saturday, September 2, 2006
New Start...
I am making a fresh start, for this is a day of new beginnings.
Each day is a new beginning with its own opportunities. Right now, at this very moment, I am making a new start in life.
Seasons come and go, yet God's presence is constant. No moment from my past can cloud my vision for the good at hand. With God, all things truly are possible.
I trust God to guide me into new and prosperous ways of living. I share my dreams and goals with God, and then let divine wisdom refine them.
Just as today is a new beginning for me, I recognize that it is also a fresh start for everyone I know. So I let go of perceptions I may have formed about the people in my life in order to give them the opportunity to make a second "first impression." I trust God is guiding them to their own good.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."--John 1:1
Welcome back...again! It'sincredible how God's mercies are new every morning. When you really get down thinking on the phrase... INCREDIBLE GOD we got!
Hope you're gonna be more regular here. Toast to new beginnings!
Posted by Quillonpaper | 5:20 AM
Oh Gal, sweet to have u back here. Now, where were we? Yeah, keep clean sheets 4 recycled first/2nd/3rd... "first impressions" for you ganna need 'em every time I take ya efforts in vain...a fresh start each day is what I need!
I don't even know what I've just said...
Posted by Jane | 3:24 PM
Just had a glance at your web counter; You have 2,888 viewings? OMG, thats an overstretch 4 me, so keep it up gal.
Posted by Jane | 8:10 AM
Trully - every day, every moment - is new, and a start for the future. And WHO else, WHAT else - is best to have as a guide and to turn to than GOD!
Posted by Anonymous | 9:44 AM
Kawalz... i love you and i love the entry... naye... the eyes are beginning to overflow????
Posted by Pea | 5:41 PM