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Happy Father's Day, to my daddy and to all fathers!!!

A Father and a Dad Are Not the Same.

A father and a dad are not the same,
One can be a dad and not a father,
Or one can be a father and not bother,
To earn through love the more endearing name.
Some find fatherhood a bit too tame,
Leaving all the details to the mother,
Or dumping the sweet burden on another,
with just a passing twinge of shame.
You have been our dad so many years,
That you've become the landscape that is home,
The mountain that we look to from afar.
No matter where we are, we're not alone,
For you remain within to still our fears
And be the word that tells us who we are.

~Dimitri Shostakovich~

Thank you for being more than just a dad but a father that's very dear!
You've been everything to me: a father,Teacher, playmate, model, conscience, friend.
Sometimes I know I haven't been the child I should,
Far from it, and I really can't say why.
But I guess in the real world sometimes things go awry.
I want you to know though that underneath all those actions
Is only love, gratitude, respect, and admiration.
Sometimes I don't know what I'm thinking,
But I thank God you're in for the duration.
I'm sorry for the things I sometimes do,
But please believe I truly cherish Mom and you.
The things you taught me I will always know.
How could I not? The roots have sunk so deep.
All lessons of the heart that I will keep no matter who I am or where I go.
Kids learn from what their parents are, and so you've been my guidance in life,
The thoughts I reap, only in your arms do I quiet sleep,
Under my words your voice sings soft and slow.
From you I learned the rules of right and wrong,
Against which I at times did rebel,
Though with regret I carry with me still.
How lucky I am to have been loved so well,
Even as I pushed against your will,
Relying on a father fair and strong.
Thank you daddy for always being there...
I love you, I love you, I love you...

~Re-mixed poem~

"A father and a dad are not the same,One can be a dad and not a father, Or one can be a father and not bother, To earn through love the more endearing name."

That is so true gal, u gatta earn the title daddy 4 anybody can be a father.

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